Cumberland Brook, Danethorn Hollow and Danebower Hollow

1 hr 21 mins

3.08 miles (4.96 Km)

At lay-by on A54, 1.9 miles from where A54 meets A537; right hand side if coming from Buxton end. If coming from Allgreave end, lay-by is on left just before the hill levels out (indicated by a 'P' and camera sign).


From lay-by on A54, head uphill for 150 mtrs and take track through gate on left.
Follow track to stream & waterfall.
Immediately after stream turn right and follow path uphill by stream.
At top where you meet a “T” junction of paths, turn right, signposted “Three Shires Head”.
Straight over at A54 and head downhill, passing chimney on your right.
Continue gently downhill crossing several stiles and keeping stream down to your left
At the stile by the bridge, take the path right through a gate (end of open access sign).
Head uphill and with wall on your right, follow the signs around the farm.
Note: Where arrow points left uphill towards the A54, there are 2 choices:-
      1) If you have a dog, it may find the very steep high metal grilled steps leading up to the A54 very difficult. In which case don’t turn left uphill but go through 3 metal gates which brings you to the tarmac farm road. Turn left here and up to the A54, then turn left and continue back to lay-by.
      2) If the steps aren’t an issue, turn left uphill keeping the wall on your right (avoid the gap in the wall part way up) to the stile over the wall on your right. Then up to the metal steps to the A54. Left onto A54 back to lay-by.

Site by Ged